Saturday, December 8, 2007

Best Friends For Never

I love this title. I wish I had come up with it. This series is entertaining. I don't know if I've been jaded by television, but I'm delighted that this book isn't trashy or tacky at all, but it still manages to entertain me.

Summary: Claire still isn't "in" with Massie, but things are getting better. The two start a bet that cuts to the core of their fashion values, throw a boy-girl party, enter a fashion competition (together!) and go after the same boy.

Other: I know my plot summary sucks. A lot happens in this book. It's about relationships, so it's hard to define one action as being the center of the plot.

Favorite Parts:
1. Massie, desperate for new clothes, wears her Halloween costume to school, which causes all sorts of trouble including: All the school girls ripping their clothes, rumors at the boys schools, and a new policy on uniforms!
2. Massie and Claire work together and come up with an awesome uniform that includes.... Keds!
3. All the parts that involve Massie and Claire's fashion bet: Massie can't buy anything new and Claire can't wear anything more than once.

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