Sunday, December 16, 2007


Laurie Halse Anderson is such a good author. I love her books, and she is such nice woman. I met her at a book signing about six years ago (and have a signed copy of Speak which I am still excited about). This book did not disappoint me. I devoured it! Read it in one sitting.

Summary: Kate Malone is a senior. Life is complicated, but everything looks good on the outside: She has kept her family going after her mother died, is a great cross country runner, and battling for the number one spot in her class, as well as having an equally smart and motivated boyfriend. To deal with life, she runs late into the night instead of sleeping, but soon the running won't even be able to help her make sense of everything: she's about to lose control. Ignoring the concept of a safe school, Kate only applied to MIT, and doesn't get in. As if that weren't enough, the girl next door, who beat her up every day in middle school, moves in with her family (her dad being the local preacher and the inviting sort), when her family's house is burned to the point where it is unlivable. Her whole life is about to change, and she's going to have to learn to face her problems and fears and grief.

Other: Laurie Halse Anderson does not shy away from the real world. She deals with the main problems, but everything is not resolved at the end. It is not really a "happy" book and it deals with everything from death to incest. Even though Anderson usually writes about heavier themes, her writing is fun and easy to read. You will cry when you're reading it. I was sobbing. My poor roommate was trying to sleep.

Favorite Parts:
1. Any time Kate describes something using current technology as a metaphor is great. It was a great touch, adding to her character while at the same time making it interesting to read.
2. Mikey's diaper overflows and goes everywhere!
3. Kate teaches Mikey to sing the elements of the periodic table.
4. When Teri tears the house down, it tears my heart apart.

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