Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Sisters Grimm: The Fairy-Tale Detectives

I'm not going to lie. I was only vaguely interested in this book. I would never have read it if not for the library. Even for the first couple pages I was skeptical. However, the story is full of details and references and it's just fun. This book was great and I'm looking forward to the next one.

Summary: Sabrina and Daphne Grimm have been declared orphans ever since their parents abandoned them. Now they are going to live with the grandmother they thought was dead. When they get there they discover that they are direct decedents of the Brothers Grimm and part of a family curse. Fairy-Tales aren't stories, they are history, and they must play their part. Someone had a magic bean and now there's a giant running around and he stole their grandmother!

Other: Throughout the book, they use "big" words and define them for Daphne who is five years younger than Sabrina. I found this annoying. What happened to context clues?

Favorite Parts:
1. Their Grandmother serves them food and it's ridiculous colors!
2. Sabrina and Daphne meet Puck and he tries to make them walk the plank in a swimming pool, but instead Sabrina throws him in.
3. Sabrina and Daphne break Jack the Giant Killer out of Prison (the guard is Ichabod Crane!)
4. Meeting the magic mirror and learning even more about what he is!

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