Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Girls on Film

The sequel to the A-list was not a disappointment. This is turning out to be quite a good series, but at ten dollars a pop I need to get me a library membership or these will be few and far between. I'd rather own the books, but at the same time, I'd also rather afford food.

Summary: Anna is now an official resident of the 90210 and has enrolled in school. But things are anything but normal. She has to make a film about the Great Gatsby (go figure, since these books explore the same ideas) with Sam! But is Sam in love with her? And as if that weren't enough to worry about, her sister is out of rehab (early, I might add) and in California. Can Anna keep her sister sober, survive high school, and not leave a trail of broken hearts behind her?

Other: I can't decide whether the Gatsby references were cool, or over the top. Read it and let me know what you think?

Favorite Parts:
1. Ben and Anna have a huge confrontation in front of everyone Anna knows and it's caught on FILM.
2. Sam watches the film of number one and instead of checking out Ben, she can't take her eyes off Anna.
3. Anna is at a prestigious party for her new internship, but how is she going to keep it when both the person she's been assigned to escort AND her sister are too drunk for words?
4. The very end, but I'll never tell what that is!

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