Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Allies of the Night

This one was interesting. I never saw this coming! It was definitely a new area for this series: School!

Summary: Darren, along with Mr. Crepsley, Harkat, and Vancha, are in Mr. Crepsley's home city searching for the vampaneeze, but they sense a trap when a truant officer comes to find Darren. And it's blatantly a set up when he finds out his English teacher is his first girlfriend: Debbie from Book Three! Someone knows a lot about him, signing him up for school and faking official documents. But things won't end there. Enter Steve. Yes, the one who promised to devote his life to killing Darren and all Vampires. But is he really on Darren's side now?

Other: Sorry the summary is so long. The books are kind of intense at this point, and half of this set up is so i can work at my (non-existent) summary skills. I like detail. Sue me.

Favorite Parts:
1. When we find out who Hooky the Vampaneeze is. First of all, he's been newly blooded so he's stuck in contacts in a vain effort to look like a full vampaneeze. Finally, WHO he is. You'll never guess, and my lips are sealed! Think back to the earlier books though!
2. When Darren and Debbie first meet. I would have loved to be in that class and see my English teach jumping up and down with excitement when she say the new kid and running to embrace him.
3. The reveal when you find out if Steve is good or bad! I'm not telling though! It's a good scene. And I promise you it's one of two things: Scandalous if he's bad or touching and heart-breakingly with a dash of self-sacrificing if he's good. Did I give it away?

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