Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy

I loved the first one, I adore the second, I'm waiting on baited breathe just to hear the name of the third. You could say that I'm excited. This series is up there for Harry Potter with me (and I LOVE Harry potter).

Summary: Cammie Morgan says she's over Josh, says she's through risking everything just for a simple boy, but deep down she's not sure. Then the unexpected happens: The Gallagher Academy is going to host several BOYS for a school similar to their own. But somethings not quite right. And even though she promised the CIA, her mother/headmistress, and herself that she was going to be a good girl this semester, she and her roommates are back to their old tricks again.

Other: This series is so imaginative. I think I would enjoy this book if it didn't even have a plot, if it was just the every day happenings of a girl at spy school. There details are amazing and intriguing. Also, I like the mystery of her father's disappearance (even though it makes me cry almost every time it is brought up). It is a good plot line to twist through the entire series. Also, the boys school has many mysteries that have not yet been satisfactorily dealt with.

Favorite Parts:
1. Cammie gets out spied by a cute boy!
2. Cammie's bra unsnaps and she has to flee the ball.
3. Cammie sees Dee Dee and Josh together.
4. Cammie and Zach's first kiss, maybe?
5. Cammie and Zach's study date.




I disliked the ending where it was all just a test. Again? Really? Other than that, fantastic! Or "Excellent" as Dr. Steve would say.

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