Sunday, November 25, 2007

This is the start of Something New

Having a blog that had more to it than silly high school angst is something I've always wanted to do. So here in my very first post, I will explain why I chose to have my blog be about reading and why what exactly I plan to have in my blog. Consider it a little introduction.

I love reading. I always have. Book-it was my favorite as a kid because I got a free pizza for something I was doing anyway. I devour books. Me in a bookstore is one of the most dangerous things for my bank account (which is always dangerously low to begin with). But none of my friends read, really. And those that do read things entirely different from me. This blog will be a way for me to share my love of reading with people that I might not be able to interact with on a personal level. It will allow me to be able to put my opinion out there. I want to be a writer myself, so it will allow me to develop a critical eye for a good story and what works and what doesn't. It's something that I'm excited about, even if no one reads this (which I hope they do).

What will be on my blog? My blog will be full of what I'm reading. I'll provide you the title, author, link to the amazon page in case you want to read it yourself. Then I'll tell you what it's about and tell you what I think about it. Basically a book review. However, since the blog is about reading as well as books, I may have a blog entry to two that discusses theory in reading or writing or anything of the sort or a link to a blog or website that promotes reading or is great to read itself.

So for now, a list of what is to come in the immediate future:
Books: Confessions of Georgia Nicholson, Gossip Girl, The Clique, The A-list, Secrets of my Hollywood Life, Cirque du Freak, Uglies, The Pendragon Series, some C.S. Lewis, and lots of other books! Who's excited? That's right me.

And for now my favorite blog and webcomic (I love Webcomics almost as much as I love novels). The Dilbert Blog is hilarious. Scott Adams always has something ridiculous to talk about and he always does it from the most unexpected angle. I read it every day because it is always good for a laugh, but more than that, it usually makes me think outside the box. The webcomic is called Unshelved. It is about a library. It is hilarious and every sunday they do a book review in the form of a comic. It's one of my favorites, and I love webcomics.

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