Sunday, March 23, 2008

Startle By His Fury Shorts

I read these all very quickly, because I got them out of the library so I could afford to read them all. I laughed for days as my poor roommates tried to sleep.

Summary: Georgia and the Ace Gang are being forced to participate in a production of MacBeth. The bright side? Dave the Laugh and the other boys are coming to help out! Georgia has her normal boy trouble, normal Rosie drama (which is out there! Like planning a viking wedding!), and could she be interested in Dave the Laugh?

Other: Dave the Laugh is my favorite character. Also, I'm excited to post something, but I'm gong to wait for my next post. So read carefully I'll probably make it red anyway.

Favorite Parts:
1. All the backstage scenes where Dave the Laugh replaces common words with Pants!
2. Georgia is startled by his furry shorts!
3. Georgia wears hot shoes that are several sizes to small. She ends up having to walk home in them, then falls asleep with them still on. They have to cut them off.

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