Sunday, March 23, 2008

Midnight for Charlie Bone

This has been a series I have been interested in reading for some time now. I am a huge Harry Potter fan, and wanted something similar. I made myself wait to read this because I didn't want to be constantly comparing it to Harry Potter. No matter how good a book is, it will never stand up next to your favorite book.

Summary: Charlie Bone discovers that when he looks at a picture he can hear what happened as the picture was being taken. This ability lands him at Bloor's Academy, a school for art geniuses and children with magical abilities. As if Charlie hasn't found himself in a weird enough situation, he has suddenly been thrown in to a mystery involving a kidnapped child who he is determined to reunite with her Aunt, and last living relative. But the Bloor's are keeping a close eye on him and are determined that he won't succeed.

Other: The story is quite interesting, the characters are likable. I'm excited to read the next book (in fact, I'm picking it up at the library tomorrow). However, sometimes the story seems forced. Things happen the way they do in Interactive Fiction text-based games. For example, people give Charlie information for no reason, just because they feel he ought to know. Sometimes I wish the motivation behind every one's actions was more real.

Favorite Parts:
1. Charlie follows his Uncle.
2. Charlie finds out how his Uncle's date went.
3. Charlie explores the castle during detention.
4. Charlie's fight in the ruins.
5. Waking the kidnapped girl.

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