Sunday, March 23, 2008

Mates, Dates, and Infateable Bras

Well, I've finished the latest book in the Confessions of Georgia Nicholson series. I'm dying for the next one, but luckily the librarian pointed out this series to me. It's for girls younger than Rennison's books and are much, much shorter.

Summary: Lucy's life isn't the way she wants it. She needs to figure out who she is for a school assignment and has no idea where to start. She does know that she is 14, but looks 12, that her friends can't go out and have fun because of it, and that her best friend might be replacing her. What's a girl to do?

Other: This book is not a carbon copy of Georgia Nicholson's diaries, however, it will appeal to similar people. Mates, Dates, and Inflatable bras is more of a novel rather than a diary, and the main character searches for discovery rather than just telling us her life and making us laugh.

Favorite Parts:
1. Lucy's dream guy is her new friends brother!
2. Lucy's friends give her an inflatable bra.
3. A real designer likes Lucy's clothing designs.

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