Sunday, March 23, 2008

Love Is A Many Trousered Thing

Yes. In fact it is. This was by far my favorite in the series so far!

Summary: Georgia, having spent so much time chasing boys, does not know what to do when she must decide between Masimo, Robbie, and maybe even Dave the Laugh. She certainly can't ask Dave for advice. What is she to do?

Other: I'm am ridiculously pleased to announce that they have released information on the next book in this series. It is called Stop In the Name of Pants!, a title which I think is fabulous, and will be available on July 1, 2008.

Favorite Parts:
1. During a serious conversation with Masimo, Georgia sees Robbie and runs away from them both.
2. Georgia sneaks out of Jas's house.
3. Georgia and the girls go on a camping trip and the boys show up.
4. The very end! But I won't give it away. It involves a boy though.

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