Sunday, February 10, 2008

One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies

I loved this book! But not as much as What My Mother Doesn't Know. Still... fantastic. Although, I did set it down on a burner while I was cooking and almost burned my apartment down. Oops.

Summary: Ruby's mother has just died of cancer, so now she is in California living with her movie-star father... the one that never bothered to see her or speak to her ever, in her whole life. Her whole life is going down the toilet, especially when her boyfriend cheats on her with her best friend. Will she ever be able to forgive her father, get over her mother's death and get on with her life?

Other: This book is both sad and wonderfully happy. I loved the whole thing and I can't wait to read other novels of poetry by Sonya Sones.

Favorite Parts:
1. Ruby walks through the school sprinklers by accident... and she's not wearing a bra.
2. Ruby finds out the truth about her father, awww....
3. Ruby has a dream that saves her life.
4. Ruby writes e-mails to her mother (heart wrenching).
5. Ruby and her best friend make up.
6. Also, I like the poem about why Ruby is waiting to have sex. Amazing.

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